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Sep 13

My New Sony w300 Cyber-shot

Categories: Tech Stuff, Photography, Art

Nice one, just got a new point a shoot and im stoked. Dark grey, titanium finish, 13mp, awesome picture quality, great features and beautiful design . I have been looking for a new camera and narrowed my choices down with the W300 at the top of my list. I went into Dixons to test a few out and was sold on the W300 but not on the price, £230 in store!. After looking around I found It for £180, and that was that, a done deal. I've now got 2 cameras, the new Sony for everyday shots and nights out and the beast, my Canon 450D for the more creative shots. I been finding it more and more difficult to bring the Canon out with me, too worried it will get damaged due to excessive alcohol consumption and forgetfulness, so this little compact beauty should do the trick. Now all I need is the under water housing unit, I ordered it the same time as the camera but hasn't arrived yet. Hopefully I will be able to get some sweet underwater scuba shots on the Thailand trip.

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